In a Rare Case, a Giant Kidneys Weighing 7 kgs and 5.8 kgs were removed from a Patient at Global Hospitals Mumbai

In a Rare Case, a Giant Kidneys Weighing 7 kgs and 5.8 kgs were removed from a Patient at Global Hospitals Mumbai

Surgeons at global hospitals Mumbai, India have removed a kidney weighing 7.4 kilograms (16.3 pounds) — the equivalent size of newborn babies — from a patient in India who had a threatening genetic disorder, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney ailment (ADPKA). Adding up the weight of both the kidneys, 12.8 kgs is one among the biggest ever removed in an operation in India, It’s said to be the heaviest kidney ever eliminated till today in the country.

Spearheaded by Dr. Pradeep Rao Director – Urology and Renal Transplant, Global Hospital, Mumbai, a team of doctors worked meticulously for this operation. Dr. Bharat Shah Director performed a successful procedure to remove the kidneys and thereafter performed a swapped kidney transplantation offering a new life to the patient. World’s 3rd heaviest kidney removed by Delhi doctors who plan to enter it in Guinness Book of World Records. For the patient, Roman, a resident of Goa, he has donated a kidney by the wife of a man to whom his wife donated her kidney. The forty one-yr-old patient’s spouse donated her kidney to another affected person, Mr. Nitin from Amravati who was also waiting for a suitable kidney donor whereas Nitin’s wife donated a kidney to the 41-year-old.

Roman had suffered from kidney failure and was on dialysis at the age of 41 because of Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The extreme kidney disease caused the patient’s life to be disrupted, so much so that he wasn’t even able to do his daily activities with ease. He used to be breathless, couldn’t walk and even had extremely low hemoglobin. The patient has referred to global hospitals Mumbai, India, for a kidney transplant in India. Dr. Pradeep Rao said, “Although at global hospitals Mumbai, India most kidney transplant in India are eliminated laparoscopically with keyhole surgical operation, Roman’s kidneys had been measuring nearly a foot in length, so he became just not the candidate and required open surgical operation. This way via a single incision, we could eliminate both the kidneys which weighed 12.8 kg overall.

Roman’s kidneys weighing 7 kgs and 5.8 kgs have been removed whereas; normal kidney weighs approximately 150 Gms and is 8-10cms in length. However, the kidneys cut out from Roman had been nearly 26cm and 21 cm. According to Dr. Bharat Shah, “a swap kidney transplant – additionally known as paired kidney donation is the interchange of kidney donors between families. Roman from Goa and Nitin from Amravati were to get kidney transplantation because of renal failure. The doctors discovered out that the roman and spouse had incompatible blood group type and Nitin and his wife had incompatible tissue kind.

He further stated, “The doctors discussed the swap kidney transplantation with both the families and they immediately agreed. After undergoing the necessary approval the procedure was carried on the sufferers. Both kidney transplants in India were completed concurrently on December 17th, 2019. Post-transplantation, both the patients are maintaining keeping good and do their daily activities conveniently.”

Patient Roman said, “ADPKD runs in my family, and I have witnessed my mother suffering from it. 10 years back I was diagnosed to have ADPKD and was managed medically. About a year and a half back my condition started deteriorating and I was unable to do routine chores. My stomach started to swell and I gained more and more weight. I would become breathless after walking for a short while. I underwent a Nephrectomy before the transplant and after the surgery started feeling better, I lost almost 25 kgs after the first surgery. I thank doctors from global hospitals Mumbai, India and the family from Amravati who saved my life. I am doing very well on the road to recovery now.”

“Swap transplant can be a good option and help increase the donor pool when there is a blood group or tissue incompatibility. The global hospital is one of the leading centers in Mumbai performing swap kidney transplants. As leaders in multi-organ transplantation, global hospitals Mumbai, India team tirelessly works to meet the unique needs of each patient,” concluded Dr. Vivek Talaulikar, Chief Executive Officer, Global Hospital, Mumbai.

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