What is kidney failure?

Kidneys are the two bean-shaped organs found in vertebrates. It’s located just below the ribcage, on each side of the spine. A kidney filters our blood by removing excess water and waste to form urine, and when kidneys lose this filtering ability, harmful levels of fluid and waste start getting accumulating in our body, and this condition is termed as kidney failure.

What is Kidney Transplantation?

Kidney failure is nothing but walking in a sinister nightmare, only with the difference that the nightmare is real. The only option with which a person is left after this is kidney transplantation, i.e, replacing the two failed kidneys with a donated one. Kidney transplantation, also known as Renal transplantation is one of the most prevalent transplant operations. Regardless of the cause of their kidney failure, Kidney transplantation is the FAVOURED treatment process for most patients with end-stage renal disease(ESRD). The causes of End-stage kidney failure can be diabetes, chronic Blood Pressure, and Chronic Glomerulonephritis.

Who are the potential Donors for Kidney Transplantation?

KIDNEY DONORIf kidney failure comes as a curse to the patients, donating a kidney turns out to be a blessing for them. But of course, even this is not that simple. Kidney Transplant is a complicated procedure and the greatest factor is the donation being made legally. It has to be made sure that all donors are carefully screened so that there is a suitable match and any transmissible diseases can be prevented or other complications can be avoided. Donors are categorized as follows;

  • Living donors: They are usually the immediate family members or sometimes spouses.
  • Deceased/ Cadaveric donors: Deceased donor kidneys generally come from people who donate their kidneys before their death by signing organ donor cards.

Who can’t be a candidate for Kidney Transplantation?

As already stated, there are some restrictions to people who are willing to donate their kidneys to ensure their safe health. A kidney transplant may NOT be recommended if the person has:

  • Infections, e.g. TB or osteomyelitis or and the active ones such as hepatitis
  • Difficulty in taking medications several times each day for the rest of the life
  • Heart, lung, or liver disease
  • Other life-threatening diseases
  • History of cancer
  • Smoking, drug or alcohol habits, other dangerous lifestyle practices

Types of Kidney Transplantation Surgery

 A nephrectomy is a surgical name given to the removal of a kidney. A healthy kidney intended for donation is normally removed by one of the two procedures; Laparoscopic Nephrectomy, Open Nephrectomy. Depending on the kind of nephrectomy which is being performed, the adrenal gland, the ureter, and/or surrounding tissue can also be incised.

What are the Advantages of Kidney Transplantation?

The after-effects of kidney transplants surgery continue to improve with advances in immune-suppressing medications. Following are some of the advantages;

  • Liberation from dialysis and escape from the time commitment that it demands
  • Increased energy
  • No longer seeing themselves as chronically ill, a positive mindset and perspective
  • The 3-year graft survival rate after transplantation is approx. 80%.
  • Those who undergo Kidney transplant own healthier quality of life afterward

What are the Disadvantages of Kidney Transplantation?

Like most of the surgeries which suffer some side effects, a patient has to deal with the various issue after kidney transplantation also. Difficulty in breathing, Reactions to medications, wound infection, etc. are some of the harmful consequences associated with kidney transplantation.

Why prefer India for Kidney Transplantation?

Kidney transplant is a complicated surgical technique and demands highly skilled consultants, efficient technical staff and advanced technology combined with impeccable synchronization, enormous dedication, and teamwork. In recent years, best surgeons in India have emerged who are known to carry these surgeries with immense success. The cost of kidney transplants in India is also very low and thus, it has become a favored destination for the patients worldwide.

How things function at Forerunners Healthcare Consultants?

  • An efficient team: Forerunners Healthcare Consultants are associated with highly capable surgeons and doctors, a must in handling any medical situation.
  • Primary services: We provide help with arranging a medical visa, an appointment with a surgeon, meals, and accommodation for the patient and family.
  • Low cost: Financial issues often affect medical treatments greatly, and we offer packages that are budget-friendly from the best kidney hospitals in the world.
  • Ethical: The environment is so positive that when a patient first steps in, the positivity makes him/her feel better. From that moment till the discharge, s/he is the responsibility of the Forerunner Healthcare.
  • Other facilities: We also take care of quick visa letter, health diet as suggested by the concerned surgeon, pick up and drop services to the airport, vacation trips, etc.

List of Best Kidney Transplant Surgeon in India:

Following are the names of best surgeons in India who are internationally recognized for their success in kidney transplant operations;

  • MH Kamat
  • Sivaraman Balakrishnan
  • Percy Chibber
  • Vijay Kher
  • Aman Gupta
  • GC Malakondaiah
  • Aditya Pradhan
  • Rajender Yadav
  • Rajeev Sood
  • Learn Halankar
  • Kumud P Mehta
  • PN Gupta
  • Sunil Prakash
  • Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy
  • Dilip Rangarajan
  • Sudarshan Ballal
  • Sundar Sankaran
  • Urmila Anandh
  • Deepak Dubey
  • Fateh Singh


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