Low-Cost Kidney Transplant Surgery in the Best Hospitals of India


When the kidneys are healthy, they filter the blood efficiently and help the body to get rid of excess waste and water through urine. It is also responsible for removing various acids that are developed by the cells and thus keeps a proper balance of salt, water and necessary minerals in the body. If the kidneys fail to perform their functions and lose their filtering ability, the toxic fluids and harmful substances will assemble in the body. This can increase the blood pressure of the body and can lead to kidney failure. When the kidney loses 90% of its capacity to perform its functions, we say that it is a final stage of renal disease.

Cost of Kidney Transplant in India

The Cost of kidney transplant in India is very reasonable when compared to other western countries. Even after undergoing a kidney transplant in the best hospitals in India, the cost of kidney transplant in India is 30%-40% less than that offered in the developed countries in the west. The exact cost of the procedure, however, depends upon which renal transplant center you choose for the treatment and the condition of the patient.

Low Cost Kidney Transplant Surgery in the Best hospitals of India

Kidney transplant success rates

Thanks to the researches, increased expertise, and precision of surgeons and the new advancements, the success rate of kidney transplants has increased drastically. However, whether the surgery undergoes successfully or is able to provide successful outcomes totally depends upon the current health, age, past medical history of the patient. It might happen that surgery goes well but the response of the patient’s body to the transplanted kidney is not well. In cases like these, the patient can opt for resuming the dialysis and consider another kidney transplant or to drop the treatment and reduce the symptoms of the condition through prescribed medicines.

Why India for a kidney transplant

India has made peerless advancements in the field of healthcare and medicine in the past few years and as a result, has grabbed attention from international patients around the world.  Along with India being one of the leading healthcare providers in the world, the reason why a number of international patients chose India for their treatment is that it is the only country that offers the best service at an affordable cost. When in contrast to the latter, world countries like, US and UK offer the same quality of service at a cost which is 60%-90% higher than that in India. Another reason for an international patient to choose India for their kidney transplant is the hospitals and medical centers with state of the art facility. These hospitals have a team of doctors who have gained education and training from some of the best medical institutes in the world. Thus when one opts to undergo kidney transplant surgery in India, it gets the benefit of everything, starting from the availability of quality healthcare, affordable prices, strategic connectivity, food, zero language barrier, and many other reasons.

Best kidney transplant hospitals in India

India is a hub for most of the leading medical centers of the world that provide efficient treatment at a truly affordable cost. The following are some of the best kidney transplant hospitals in India that have teams of the best transplant surgeons.

  • Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre
  • Fortis Hospital in India
  • Artemis Hospital in India
  • Max Super Specialty Hospital India
  • Apollo Hospital India

Why forerunners Healthcare

As Forerunners healthcare is connected to a wide network of renal transplant centers across India it helps the international patients to undergo a kidney transplant in India in its best hospitals at an affordable price. Forerunners healthcare services provide full-time assistance to their international patients and make sure that they are guided well before and during their treatment in India. By enabling the international patients to undergo treatment in the best hospitals of India, the patients can experience low risks transplantation surgery without any waiting lists. With forerunners healthcare, one can take advantage of successful and quality renal transplants in the most reputed hospitals in India.

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