Dr. Vijay Bose’s Patient Sarah Fakhoury of Oman Starts the New Year with a New Hip

If you spotted lean and lithe Sarah Fakhoury doing workout at the gym, you’d never bet she is the proud grandmother of three. Nor could you think that she had arthritis pain once or if she has recently has an total hip replacement surgery

When Sarah started out experiencing hip ache several years ago, she was on prescribed treatment, had MRI’s done, however felt no alleviation or proper diagnosis of her hip condition. As an active member of the Red Cross in Oman, a teacher, and a new grandmother – she had started to feel restricted due to her pain and discomfort in her everyday life. She couldn’t keep up along with her granddaughter. She couldn’t bend all the way down to pick something up. She had trouble swimming, and could no longer enjoy her hobbies.

Sarah Fakhoury - Patient Story

In the wake of falling very unwell and being hospitalized, Sarah found that she struggled to walk at all through the pain. Finally, she was having an x-rays, completed a physical review, and immediately identified that her left leg was shorter than her right. This was the first time in all her years of treatment for her hip ache that Sarah was ever told this, which was diagnosed as bursitis/osteoarthritis. She started physical therapy and had cortisone shots, which helped in the short term, but over time, the pain became worse.

As with most aspects of her life, Sarah was extra diligent in searching for an orthopedic surgeon for her hip issue.

She interviewed three, and despite the fact that they had been surely good, she didn’t experience any actual connection with them. after attempting quite a few local treatment options without an benefit, then several ladies at the gym — some of whom had hip problems of their very own — advised that she should look for solution outside the country as the orthopedic surgeons in the Oman were not that skilled and it was costly as well.

“After researching for top hip replacement surgeon In India, I found Dr. Vijay Bose who is presently is associated with the Asian Joint Reconstruction Institute at Chennai and with the SRM Institute for Medical Science (SIMS), as the Joint Director, Orthopaedic and Consultant Joint Reconstructive Surgeon his profile seemed to be perfect, but I did not know how to contact him and that is when I came across joint replacement surgery service India which is known as best medical facilitator in the country assisting many international patient in India. After contacting them by filling the form on their website – jointreplacementsurgeryhospitalindia.com/top-hip-replacement-surgeon-dr-vijay-bose-india.html, I got a call from the case manger who explained to me everything related to the treatment from his arrival to my recovery. Finally, after speaking to them, I made up my mind to get treated under the care of Dr. Vijay Bose top hip replacement surgeon in India.

Soon Sarah arrived India, after examining Sarah and carefully studying her X-rays, Dr. Bose confirmed her condition was degenerative arthro-arthritis of the hip with protrusio acetabuli. “that’s a technical way of saying that the top of Sarah’s femur, or thigh bone, was encroaching into the wall of the hip socket toward the pelvis,” Explains Dr. Vijay Bose. “If left untreated, it might migrate through the pelvic wall.”  Sarah decided without hesitation to schedule her total hip replacement surgery. “The pain was truly proscribing my everyday activities; even taking walks and sleeping became painful,” Sarah’s surgery went well, and her restoration went even better. After total hip replacement surgery, the patient was shifted to the ward for some days for recuperation. Quickly the patient was able to take a walk on his own. Sarah was quite convinced by the treatment done by Total Hip replacement Surgery in India. She went back to his home few days later. “Once I was home, Dr. Vijay Bose top hip replacement surgeon In India responded quickly to the few concerns and questions I had.” She is absolutely fit and fine by now.


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