Bryony Gets Her Body Back With Mommy Makeover Surgery in India

Bryony Davies sounds somewhat wistful talking about her pre-pregnant body like she’s describing an old friend she was happy with. “Before having my first daughter,” she recalls, “I had a beautiful stomach.” six years and one more child later, Bryony got her body back thanks to a mommy makeover surgery in India performed by plastic surgeon Dr Vipul Nanda. “It was the best treatment I’ve ever undergone for myself,” she says. “I can wear clothes I need to. I’m so much more assured. I am going without feeling ashamed about my body. He changed my life.” Pregnancy and childbirth wreaked havoc on Bryony’s belly muscle. After her first child stretched and “tore apart my muscle mass,” she says, caring her tight 6 pack into a shapeless mass.

Bryony Gets Her Body Back With Mommy Makeover Surgery in India

“Then I had another child, and it was even worse.” That’s when she first consulted with Dr. Vipul Nanda, whose plastic surgery practice in India. The youngest was 5-months-old while Bryony got here to India for Dr. Vipul Nanda’s consultation. Her mommy makeover becomes scheduled for two weeks later. Bryony says she didn’t want to go out. “It was socially crippling, due to the fact I didn’t go to out.” while she did go out, she says, it required 2 layers of Spanx to hold her body together. “It was basically hanging there,” she said of her sagging belly. “It was ridiculous. I couldn’t live like that.” Between pregnancies, says Bryony, “I was getting congratulated for being pregnant which I was not.”

A mommy makeover normally includes a breast augmentation or lift and tummy tuck surgery, along with liposuction if essential to get rid with extra skin and correct adjustments because of being pregnant and nursing. Bryony says her tummy tuck treatment included an entire reconstruction of her belly muscular tissues because the damage was so intense. She also got her hernia repaired and tightened up the belly wall to recreate a flat abdomen. She us keep admiring at the appearance of her scar.

 “The day of the operation, I didn’t have one ounce of anxiety. I felt so comfortable with Dr. Vipul Nanda,” Bryony said. “And the other members of my care team were beyond incredible, too. The entire procedure took two hours and required an overnight stay in the hospital. But Bryony said she saw results instantly. “The extra skin was gone! I couldn’t believe it. The staff was smiling, saying, ‘Remember, there’s still swelling!’ And I said, ‘This is me swelling?’”

“I’ve got the excellent one,” she says with a laugh, describing how she compares her tummy tuck scar with her friends who’ve additionally had the procedure or a complete mommy makeover. “They all say, ‘I need yours,’ however they didn’t have Dr. Vipul Nanda,” Bryony says the whole experience in couldn’t had been better. Dr. Vipul Nanda organized her for the reality of recuperating from surgical procedure with 2 young children at home, one of a five-month-old and a little one whom she couldn’t pick up till fully healed. And she or he says the surgeon’s office team of staff is “amazing.”

“I invited them to my home country UK this yr.” Bryony was comfortable with Dr. Vipul Nanda that she essentially depended on his expertise when it came to a cosmetic decision about her breast augmentation. “I didn’t know what pregnancy might do to my body, and now it’s completely reversed. It’s given me my confidence back. I am simply looking ahead to the summer season. It’s just great to feel confident about my body once I’m with him.” She says she virtually advised him she wanted her body to look proportional and said, “What do you think I have to do?” “He’s a perfectionist. I knew he would do a wonderful activity.” and the result? “My breasts are ideal. I don’t even have to put on a bra. How many women who are at their forty can say that?” Keep in mind that each patient is different so the result may also vary.

Thank you,

Ms. Bryony

From Uk

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