2years Old Youngest Donor of India Save Another Child’s Life by Donating His Heart


In an exemplary gesture, the parents of a brain dead 2 years boy from Mumbai donated his organs, which included his heart, giving a new lease of life to 6 people where his heart was donated to two years year old boy in Villupuram, which was performed by doctors in Fortis Malar Hospital in Chennai. This successful transplant made the baby youngest donor in India.

The organ donor, who was also a two year old boy, had a fall while playing causing a severe head injury after which he was declared brain dead, Few local NGOs counseled his parents to donate his organs. Following the parent’s consent, the child’s organ saved the lives of six people in which 4 were recipients were children and which included the two year old boy from Villupuram. His heart was retrieved and transported by the team of Fortis Malar Hospital which was airlifted to Chennai via a green corridor, through a commercial flight covering 331.7 km in 1.25 hrs. The two year old recipient was been diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy with severe LV dysfunction and faced repeated bouts of breathlessness. Inspite of all the treatments his conditions did not improve and his doctor recommended a transplant could be his only solution to recover and as put on a waiting list for the past 6 months.

“Both the children recipient and the donor were youngest in India. Losing a baby is devastating however we know parents who agree to donate their baby’s organs gain great consolation and pride from knowing that their infant has saved the lives of other people. We urge all parents to talk about organ donation, and now not just for themselves however all individuals of the family, and could want to want if the time comes. Children can save lives too and there are younger patients counting on a child to save their life.” Said, Dr. K R Balakrishnan best cardiologist in India


“Our team of medical expert, medical social worker and nursing units have enabled the two landmark transplants within a tiny time body, we would no longer had been able to attain this a ways without the consent of the families of donors, who’ve for all time changed the lives of the recipients and their families. We salute the brave parents of the two years old boy from Mumbai and his parents, for consenting to donate; their relations live on in the form of the recipients, and there has been a giant rise in the number of cadaveric donations this year. We hope to preserve progressing on that the front to help more such patients of end-level organ failure”, said the best heart transplant surgeon in India.

The surgery was performed by Dr. K R Balakrishnan, Director, Cardiac Sciences, Fortis Malar Hospital, and Dr. Suresh Rao KG, Head of Department, Critical Care & Cardiac Anaesthesia, Fortis Malar Hospital. According to the best heart transplant surgeon in India, “The procedure was very challenging and risky as the recipient was a two-year toddler. We are pleased to announce this surgery was a great success and will create another history in the field of pediatric cardiac surgery that is looking for heart transplantation. The surgery was very challenging we had to maintain balance to perform the transplant to the child. The toughest thing was to find a matching donor for pediatric patients. The recipient of Villupuram was lucky enough to get the heart of his same age and is recovering very well. Added Dr. K R Balakrishnan best cardiologist in India”

Today, after the successful transplant the thriving 2-year-old is doing everything a kid of his age should be doing. “Words cannot fully explicit how actually thankful we experience to the donor family who made the decision to help others of their time of grief, and we would like to thank them for giving the ‘gift of life’ to our son and the others that their child saved that day.”

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