Kingsley Flores Renews Mobility with Disc Replacement by Dr. Arvind Kulkarni

“My name is Kingsley Flores from Orlando, Florida, happily married and has three beautiful daughters. We had a love marriage I had met my wife in college and since then we are together. Our life was perfectly happy and we were the most adventurous couple as we always had been an adrenaline seeker, I had also completed ultra-distance marathons, 100-mile bicycle adventures competed in the Eco-Challenge and has a history of the motorcycle and off-road professional racing. While racing motorcycles and off-road cars, as the years and adventures went by, I began noticing numbness in my hands and arms. At first, the numbness was bearable and did not hinder his active lifestyle. But gradually its increase with the pain, it had gotten to where I couldn’t walk 50 feet and it was getting to the point where I was getting up three times at night.

After I consulted a spine surgeon in Orlando, I first learned about cervical spine degeneration an MRI of my neck. My spine surgeon had scheduled a spinal fusion, but a snafu with my insurance company forced him back to square one. Then I actively investigated artificial disc replacement, and the benefits of a disc replacement became very obvious over a fusion, so I shifted my focus and I started investigating and once on facebook, I read a patient sharing his personal experience about artificial disk replacement in the lumbar spine by Dr. Arvind Kulkarni. He seemed to be very happy and he was a resident of the UK who came to India for affordable spine surgery. So then I started looking for him on Google through my research, I came across Dr. Kulkarni, that caught my eye by being named one of the top 10 best laser spine surgeons in India. This is how I started looking into that direction and as this concept of getting treated in another country far was new to me and a bit scary I got in touch with the surgeon personally on his email id: asking several questions regarding my issues, he replied to all my answers very promptly. I sent over my MRI and progress notes from years of failed treatments, and a week later I was approved for artificial disk replacement in the lumbar spine.

Once I reached India had gone for a consultation with Dr. Arvind Kulkarni best laser spine surgeon Bombay hospital Mumbai, India. After discussing my case, he said is the ultimate objective is to provide me a motion-preserving solution that could not be offered in the USA. Dr. Kulkarni advised for an anterior surgical approach and M6-L Disc Replacement at L4/5 and L5/S1. Due to my young age and a physically active lifestyle, I was thrilled that I could avoid a restrictive spine fusion. I proceeded with artificial disk replacement in the lumbar spine by Dr. Arvind Kulkarni, which was successful. Just like a miracle the pain I had been suffering from for so long was gone only after a day of the surgery. Dr. Kulkarni and his team are excellent and very professional. But I must say that the surgery has been done really well and I am very happy. I feel great. Now I can walk and sit up straight. It was pretty difficult and awkward to do these activities previously. I am glad that my posture has been restored. Dr. Arvind Kulkarni had been amicable and supportive all the time.

Dr. Arvind G Kulkarni heads the ‘Mumbai Spine Scoliosis and Disc Replacement Centre’ as a consultant spinal surgeon at Bombay hospital, Mumbai, he is likewise one of the pioneers of artificial disc replacement (mentioned in Limca Book of Records for performing the first artificial disc replacement [ProDisc-L] in India). He is a blessing for his patients due to his vast experience and having gained training in some of the best hospitals and centers across the globe, the success rate for spine/spinal surgeries by Dr. Arvind Kulkarni in India at leading hospitals is outstanding and on par with global benchmarks.

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